Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Object-oriented Analysis - OOA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Object-oriented Analysis - OOA - Essay Example The School of Technology at Oxford Brookes University is undertaking the computerization of the process for preparing question papers for its various departments. The process involves communication between the Examination and Conferment Unit (ECU), module leaders, teaching staff, internal checkers, the exam secretary, and external examiners. The computerization project aims to improve the current system, which is considered quite tedious by the different parties involved. The new system, which shall be named â€Å"School of Technology Modular Examination and Coursework Preparation† (STMECP System), must address the issues associated with the current system while meeting quality assurance requirements in the preparation of question papers. An initial Requirements Elicitation and Specification has already been conducted. The project team elicited and analysed users’ requirements for the new system and identified both functional and non-functional requirements, as well as identified and analysed use cases and scenarios. The next step is to produce detailed requirements specifications using requirements modeling tools which help control the complexity, risk, and scope of the project. Requirements modeling also help and define goals and success criteria in an unambiguous manner for all the parties involved in the development and eventual use of the system. Complex requirements can be modeled with full traceability provided from each requirement, through to the final deliverables and system behavior (Sparx-Req Mgt, 2008). As defined during Requirements Elicitation and Specification, the functional requirements of the new system are divided into two areas: 1) the preparation of questions, solutions and other exam and coursework materials, and 2) the preparation and update of the TEO forms.Use cases are goal-oriented sets of interactions between actors and the system. For the STMECP system, the actors are the exam secretary (ES), module leaders (ML), memb ers of the teaching staff (TS), internal checkers (IC), and external examiners (EE).  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Developmental Analysis Essay Example for Free

Developmental Analysis Essay Abstract The field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan is called lifespan development. Lifespan development takes a scientific approach in its study of growth, change, and stability. This development emphases on human development. Developmentalists study the course of development in nonhuman species, the most popular examine growth and change in people. In contrast I will focus on the ways people and myself change and grow during our lives, with the consideration of stability in our live span. Together, these findings suggest that we will go through different developments and stages from Infancy, through childhood and adolescence, and to marriage and parenthood. 11% of infants are born earlier than normal. Infants who are born prior to 38 weeks after conception is called preterm infants. When coming into this world I was born as a premature infant, I was born at 6 months due to my mother suffering from an illness called pneumonia. I was hospitalized for 4 months with tubes and monitors hooked up to me to help me eat, breathe and regain enough strength to go home to be with my family. Rupert (2006) discusses the prevention of premature birth, what you can do to prevent from having a premature baby. It is said that tension and stress can play a part and having a premature baby the less stress and tension on the body will prevent having a premature baby. Seeing a doctor regularly, taking prenatal pills, vitamins, eating healthy and making sure you have a good amount of rest can prevent premature birth as well. Being pregnant is a wonderful time for any women but it also require for you to be healthy as possible being pregnant can cause for you to go through a lot changing carrying a baby for nine months. Also, depending on your body you can go through more than other  women when becoming pregnant, if you didn’t go through anything with your first child sometimes you can have some minor problems with your second child that’s why it is important for you to take care of yourself when being pregnant. In my case I was my mother’s third child and coming down with an illness serious enough as pneumonia can be caused by stress and or from not taking care of yourself enough to remain healthy when pregnant. There are many factors on why prematurity will occur in women, rates of preterm births differ between racial groups, not because of race per se, but because members of racial minorities have disproportionately lower incomes and higher stress as a result Feldman (2014, p.95). Growing into the life cycles of infancy I stayed with my grandmother something I didn’t not find out until I was an adult. My mother expressed to me that she wasn’t able to care for me at the time because I was too small for her to feel comfortable caring for me at the time. When hearing this it did take me by surprise and hurt me a little only because I felt like she could have said something sooner than when it came out to me. I felt like there was a little detachment there because my mother wasn’t caring for me the first couple months I was born and/or when I was released from the hospital. Hotelling (2004) states not all parenting styles are alike. What individuals do as parents depends somewhat on how they were raised as a child, what they observed in other families, and what they have been taught. Two very different styles have emerged: Attachment Parenting and Baby wise. Parenting Ones own developed style of parenting will probably fall somewhere between the two. Attachment Parenting is a highly respected approach that promotes securely attached children. The problems with Baby wise Parenting, however, have been known to include detachment, behavioral disorders, dehydration, failure to thrive, irritability, infant anorexia, and even infant death (Hotelling, 2004).Parenting is never easy. Perspective parents are encouraged to seek out resources for support and information, starting now, to help ease the way. One thing is for sure: No recipe for parenting will guarantee a good nights sleep every night or perfect children (Hotelling, 2004). As stated in the article Bowlby (1982) defined attachment as a child being â€Å"strongly disposed to seek proximity to and contact with a specific figure and to do so in certain situation, notably when he is frightened, tired or ill†. Typically, preferred attachment emerges clearly in the latter  part of the 1st year of life, as evidenced by the appearance of separation protest and stranger wariness. Under usual conditions, preferred attachment unfolds gradually over the 1st year of life (Zeanah and Fox, 2004). Preferred attachments to caregivers may develop at any time after infants reach a cognitive age of 7 to 9 months, provided that the new caregivers have sufficient involvement with the child. Thus, young children adop ted out of foster care or institutions readily form attachments to their new caregivers (Zeanah and Fox, 2004). Zeanah and Fox (2004) states there are four patterns of attachment, secure, avoidant, resistant, and disorganized have described individual differences in the organization of an infant’s attachment behaviors with respect to an attachment figure in this procedure. RAD was first introduced into the diagnostic nosologies just over 20 years ago, with the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed. [DSM-III], American Psychiatric Association, 1980).The criteria were substantially revised in DSM-I. The disorder is defined by aberrant social behavior that appears in early childhood and is evident cross-contextually. Two patterns have been described, an emotionally withdrawn –inhibited pattern and an indiscriminately social –disinhibited pattern, each of which have been observed in children raised in institutions and in maltreated children (Zeanah and Fox, 2004). Growing into an adult after finding out that I wasn’t raised by my mother the first few months I felt some emotional distress, I felt from looking back on my childhood that there were some favoritism between me and my other brother and sisters. Feldman (2014) states developmentalists believe a true emotion has three components: a biological arousal component (such as increased breathing rate or heartbroken), a cognitive component (awareness of feeling anger or fear), and a behavioral component (displaying that one feels unhappy by crying, for example). Growing up my father was in my life after I came home from my grandmothers, but only for short amount of time. My father was abusive to my mother which caused for him to break up and get a divorce. After the divorce we didn’t really see our father that because of how abusive he could be and once he moved out he moved back to his hometown of New York, NY. We spoke occasionally on the phone and he even visited from time to time but as time went on the calling and the visiting stopped. It was very difficult to adjust to him not being there and not hearing from him the older me and my  brother and sisters got. Meyer (2010) discuss the influence of children on women’s decisions to seek help when experiencing intimate partner violence. Intimate partner violence (IPV) has a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of victims and their children. Meyer (2010) states the role (unborn) children has been examined together with other demographic and situational factors to reveal their influence on victims’ help-seeking decision. The two items were used to measure the role of children, including victims’ pregnancy at the time of the abuse and children residing with the victim and witnessing the abuse. While the presence of unborn children (i.e., pregnancy) had no effect on victims’ help-seeking decisions, children witnessing the abuse emerged as the strongest predictor of general and more formalized help – seeking decisions. In conclusion, whil e the involvement of unborn children had no effect on victims help-seeking decisions, children who resided with the victim and directly witnessed the abuse had the largest effect on all examined help-seeking decisions. Seeing my mother abused at a child does take a piece of you and the reality if you will be yourself in the same situation when you get older to experience being an relationship yourself, also the fact of dealing with the fact that your father has been in and out of your life does cause emotional and physical damage. You can grow up with bitterness in your heart not willing to love or open yourself to feelings and emotions that will help you bond with others or make it hard for you to fall in love. As a child you learn how too really love from your parents but how to love another of the opposite sex you feel that emotion from your father as far relationships with other men. Wilcox (2012) argues is parent abuse a form of domestic violence, in this situation I would say there are many similarities between domestic violence and parent abuse since both entail a constellation of abusive behaviors embedded in the family relationship. In both cases, the majority of victims/survivors are fema les /mothers. Both involve a continuing process of social harm requiring day to day management. As with domestic violence, parent abuse involves everyday stresses which shape a parent’s ability to ‘parent effectively ‘. There are similarities but I would go as far to say same it’s a form of domestic violence because on the other hand had stated in the article, the parent has an ongoing responsibility to parent, versus making the option of ending or leaving the relationship inappropriate. If you have ever experienced love  from your father how do you know how to love another man if your own father didn’t show you how a man is to love you? The role of the father in child development; parents don’t think having the father around while pregnant can affect the unborn child. As stated in this article studies investigating the role of the father in child development have focused on a range of different aspects of fathers and the father – child relationship, such as paternal emotional well- being, father – child attachment, and the quality of father – child interactive. The study have shown that fathers’ active and regular engagement with their children has a positive effect on children’s social, behavioral, psychological, and cognitive development later in life. In conclusion this study was meant as an exploratory and preliminary investigation of fathers; experience during pregnancy Vreeswijk,M.J.M.,C., Maas,B.M.A.,J., Rijk,H.A.M.,C., Bakel ,V.J.A. H., (2013). Over the years as growing into an adult it has really been a struggle for me to maintain a healthy relationship with the opposite sex, because I am always questioning is this person who they say they are? Will they give up and leave and be abusive as my father was? Will I ever feel real love that I am wanting so badly to experience? As a young adult it was difficult to maintain a healthy longevity relationship or friendship, I would put more into the relationships and friendships and they would still end with my feeling being hurt because I was being so nice to gain and keep friends not knowing that it goes both ways it cannot be no one way street, when being in a relationship or friendship. I think this took me until I was almost 30 years of age to know that not everyone will treat you how you treat them. I was so naà ¯ve to think that everyone will treat you the way you treat them but a lot of people didn’t grow up that way. Every house hold is different and everyone is bor n into different lifestyles and parenting styles which causes them to react or act on what they seen as children growing up. Being an adult it is very challenging you see how your parents held the family together and what surfaces one has to take in order to take care of an family there are so many ups and downs you will go through when coming into adult hood. For me I was so excited being able to do things on my own without my parents but then reality really hit when I couldn’t lean on my parents anymore for things because they too was adjusting to being on their own again without caring for their children anymore. Today, at 32 it is  still a struggle as I am still growing into the women I was set out to be no one is perfect and it takes years for one to become fully mature and I know I will reach my potential success with growth, time, patience and having a healthy relationship with God. Some of the beliefs and I developed while growing up were in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is the Church that Jesus Christ established. Thus the Church subsists in the Catholic Church. However, member s of other Christian churches and denominations are also in communion with the Catholic Church by virtue of their sacraments. The accepted Churches possess fully valid sacraments, and are true particular Churches, whereas Christians are in communion with the Catholic Church on account of their baptism; still, this communion is impaired. The Church in one, because it is unified in Christ across regions. The Church is Holy on account of the grace of Christ given to it and the holy sacraments it provides. The Catholic Church contains the fullness of the Deposit of Faith, thus is it truly according to the whole and universal? Finally, the Church is Apostolic because its Teachings and power come from the Apostles themselves. Some of the beliefs I developed in the terms of right and wrong behavior were divorce, pre-marital sex, and same-sex relationships having a relationship with Christ always putting Christ and family first. The new Christian is capable of being a doer of the Word, enabled by the Spirit; then change in the problem areas can occur. I gather information to understand the problem and the underlying issues. We build a Christ-centered relationship of care and trust. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) states encouragement from God’s Word, outlining the certainty of being able to be equipped and strengthened to change with God’s help. â€Å"Spiritual development is likely a wellspring for the best of human life (e.g., generosity, unit, sacrifice, altruism, social justice) as well as for our darkest side (e.g., genocide, terrorism, slavery). Using social science to examine this potent force in society and individual lives of young people has been neglected for too long† (p. 210). The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence seeks to ensure that this oversight does not persist. Spiritual development may be at a â€Å"tipping point† for becoming a major theme in child and adolescent development. A growing number of scholars in various disciplines have invested themselves in this field. The public imagination appears to be ready in numerous cultures, traditions,  and contexts, all of which are struggling with social changes that threaten to undermine the spiritual lives of young people. Benson, P. L., Roehlkepartain, E. C., King, P.E., Wagener, L.M (2005). References Meyer, S., (2010) Seeking Help to protect the Children? : The Influence of Children on Women’s Decisions to Seek Help When Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. J Fam Viol 25:713-725, Springer Science +Business Media, LLC. Michelle, R.A., (2013) The effects of maternal nutrition on fetal psychological development. International Journal of Childbirth Education.28.3:p90. Effects on Children’s Health and Development. Psychological Medicine, Cambridge University, 40,335-334. Rupert, L. (2006) How women can carry their unborn babies to term – The Prevention of Premature Birth Through Psychosomatic Methods. Journal of Prenatal Psychology Health; 20, 4; ProQuest Central pg.293. Hotelling, A. B. (2004). Styles of Parenting, J Perinat Educ. 2004 Winter; 13(1): 42–44. Feldman, R. (2011). Development across the life span (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Zeanah, H., C, Fox, A., N (2004). Temperament and Attachment Disorders. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Vol.33, No.1, 32-41. Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and loss; Vol. Attachment. New York: Basic Book. Benson, P. L., Roehlkepartain, E. C., King, P.E., Wagener, L.M (2005). Spiritual development in childhood and adolescence: Moving the Scientific Mainstream. Benson, P. L., Roehlkepartain, E. C., King, P.E., Wagener, L.M (2005). The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescences. Vreeswijk,M.J.M.,C., Maas,B.M.A.,J., Rijk,H.A.M.,C., Bakel ,V.J.A. H., (2013) Fathers’ Experiences During Pregnancy: Paternal Prenatal Attachment and Representations of the Fetus. Psychology of Men Masculinity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essays --

Jack Owens 12-18-13 Government President paper Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaw settlement, a community of Scotch-Irish immigrants along the border between north and south Carolina. As far as I know they are still disputing his place of origin. he claimed that his place of origin was actually south Carolina though in my opinion if he said he was from there he was from that location. His father had died before his birth Andrew’s mother had three sons and was living with her Crawford relatives. Jackson was attending local schools and received an elementary education. When the revolutionary war ended Jackson’s immediate family had been wiped out fighting in Carolina backcountry was especially savage, a bombardment of ambushes, massacred and sharp skirmishes. Jackson’s oldest brother Hugh enlisted in a patriot regiment and died at Stono ferry, according to the article he was said to have died form heatstroke from heatstroke. Too young for formal soldiering, Andrew and his brother Robert fought with American irregulars. In 1781, they were captured during this time Jackson was told to clean a british officers boots and refused which then drew to the officer to slash Jackson with his sword also in that time Robert contracted smallpox, which he died shortly after their release. While trying to retrieve his nephews from a British prison ship Andres mother also fell ill and later died. An orphan and hardened veteran at the age of fifteen. Jackson drifted, he taught at a school for a little amount of time. Then he started to read into law while in north Carolina. After admission to the bar in 1787, he accepted an offer to server as a public prosecutor in the new mero district of north Carolina, west o... ...vancing enemies with artillery and rifle fire. The British casualties exceeded two thousand Jackson ended up only loosing thirteen to death with fifty-eight wounded or missing. With both sides not aware of the treaty of Ghent ending the war had been signed two weeks earlier, so the battle had no effect on the outcome. Still, this victory with it’s tremendous casualty ratio. The idea of untrained and volunteer soldiers against veteran British soldiers was astonishing. Jackson was then seen as a hero next to George Washington. Jackson remained in the military after the war. Late in 1817,he received orders to subdue the Seminole Native Americans, who were raiding across the border from Spanish Florida itself. He captured its bastions at St. Marks Pensacola and arrested, tried, and executed two British nationalists whom he charged with abetting the Native Americans.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Patty Herst vs. Connie :: essays research papers

Patty Campbell Hearst Vs. Connie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Where are you going, where have you been?† is a story about a young teenager named Connie that is rebelling against her parents and discovering her sexuality with older boys. No one can really control Connie; she sneaks around and hides what she does from her parents. Her character reflects a person named Patty Campbell Hearst who was kidnapped in the seventies. I am going to compare these two people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of Patty Hearst is a bizarre one. First of all Patty is the granddaughter of the famous newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst. That’s why she was kidnapped in the first place. She was taken on February 4th 1974 by an activist group who called themselves the Symbionese Liberation Army. This uncanny group was trying to wage a war on those of status and money. When the SLA abducted Patty there was media frenzy over it. Anyway she went missing for two months then something most unexpected happened. She appeared on a surveillance tape helping the SLA rob a San Francisco bank. This bizarre twist of events is still being debated today. Why would a girl join her captors and help them in crime?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now I’ll compare how Connie resembles this concept. During the story Connie keeps going farther and farther with older and older boys. Keep In mind that she’s a young girl much like Patty Hearst. Toward the end of the story a much older man named Arnold Friend arrives at her doorstep attempting to seduce Connie into â€Å"going for a ride† with him. She was alone and he knew it. At first she kept telling him to leave but he started getting under her skin. He just kept trying to reassure her that he wouldn’t hurt her and that he was her friend. But Connie knew from the start that he was a dangerous man and that something wasn’t right. He knew all sorts of things about her. Arnold told her exactly where her family was at the time they we’re talking without her saying anything. It was obvious that he’d had an eye on her. However Arnold Friend still hadn’t convinced Connie to go with him. Then he started leaving hints that he was going to take her. For instance he said: â€Å"Connie, don’t fool around with me, I mean don’t fool around.† Eventually he was really getting to her and she threatened to call the police.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Literature and Aspects of the Human Experience Essay

Literature offers a unique view into the human experience. Writers share their ideas about life through language, literary devices, and imagery. The human experience of love is one that every person can relate to. Three examples of literature that share this theme of love are: â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, â€Å"Love Song†, and â€Å"A Doll’s House†. Although some of the stories deal with family and parental love, this paper will focus on the aspect of romantic love. In the story â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner romantic love was between Emily and the doomed Homer Barron; the poem â€Å"Love Song† by Joseph Brodsky gives the declarations of a man in love; and finally in the drama â€Å"A Doll’s House† Nora is fighting for the romantic love of her husband Torvald Helmer. Love is a shared theme in these stories, and the literature portrays this human experience in ways that allow the reader to better understand the mystery of romantic love. Romantic Love The story of â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner tells the sad tale of Emily Grierson. The story opens with Emily’s death. Her mortality sets the mood for this story of loss and sorrow. Although Emily has issues with parental and family love in this story the theme of romantic love is one that is truly tragic. Emily is the protagonist of the story. Her desire for love leads her to Homer Barron. Mr. Barron has come to Emily’s southern town to help in paving sidewalks. The ladies of town who still perceive Emily as part of a high society southern family do not believe that Emily could consider Homer Barron, â€Å"of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 241, para. 2). Emily does fall in love with Homer. Unfortunately the story leads us to believe that Homer was not seriously interested in Emily. â€Å"Homer himself had remarked – he liked men, and †¦he was not a marrying man† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 42, para. 1). Emily is found buying poison around this time. Homer Barron disappears. With the close of the story Emily dies. The house is opened and it is revealed that the dead body of Homer Barron is laid out in an upstairs bedroom â€Å"this room decked†¦as for a bridal†¦the man’s toilet things back with tarnished silver†¦the man himself lay in the bed†¦we noticed†¦the second pillow was the indentation of a head†¦a long strand of iron-gray hair† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, pps. 243 & 244, paras. 8, 1, & 3). Emily had been in love with Homer, but he did not return this love. Emily did not want to lose her love so she killed Homer and kept him with her. â€Å"Love Song† is a poem by Joseph Brodsky that is one man’s declaration of romantic love to a woman. The poem uses multiple metaphors of how much the man loves the woman. The wording reveals that the author has very conflicting views of romantic love which are often conflicting (Shippon, 2006). He offers to save her from drowning, yet then states he would arrest her and keep her imprisoned. Brodsky declares that he would try to make the woman happy when he says â€Å"if you were a bird, I’d cut a record and listen all night long to your high-pitched trill†¦if you were Chinese, I’d learn the language, burn a lot of incense, wear funny clothes, if you were a mirror, I’d storm the Ladies, give you my red lipstick and puff your nose† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 734). These declarations appear to show how the man would do things to impress the woman. Then Brodsky goes on to refer to love as a duty, obligation, and trap when he writes â€Å"if you were a sheriff, I’d arrest you†¦if I were a sergeant, you’d be my recruit†¦if you were my wife, I’d be your lover because the church is firmly against divorce† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 734). Brodsky’s ideas of romantic love give readers a picture of how complex love can be. â€Å"A Doll’s House† by Henrik Ibsen gives another sad account of the complexities of romantic love. â€Å"A Doll’s House† is a drama play that centers on the character of Nora Helmer. Nora goes through tremendous change in the course of the play as her ideas about love transform. Nora starts Act 1 as a childish girl trying to please her husband, Torvald; in Act 2 Nora acts out of desperation to save her marriage; then in Act 3 Nora comes to the realization that her husband never truly loved her at all (Bradford, 2012). Nora’s ideas of love are clouded by her relationship with her father. She carries on this relationship with her husband living as a source of entertainment and possession rather than a loving partner. Nora explains this when she says â€Å"I have existed to perform tricks for you, Torvald†¦I have been your doll-wife, just as at home I was papa’s doll-child†¦I thought it great fun when you played with me†¦that is what our marriage has been† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 838). Ibsen portrays the romantic love between Nora and Torvald as being childish and confused. When the character of Nora realizes that she does not really love Torvald she leaves to find someone who loves her for who she is. The connection between these three examples of literature is the hopes and ideals of romantic love. Romantic love is a human experience that all people desire. Different authors may portray the complexities of love in different ways, but the truth remains that people will do almost anything for love, such as kill the love who threatens to leave them as in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†; fight for love, try to impress someone for love, and do things they do not want to for love as in the poem â€Å"Love Song†; and try to be something that they are not to make the person they love happy as in â€Å"A Doll’s House†. The use of specific literary devices A literary technique or device is any element or the entirety of elements a writer intentionally uses in the structure of their work. An author will use a literary device in short stories, plays, poems, and novels. There are several types of literary devices that can be used such as imagery, symbolism, and descriptive words to build the theme of a story. We will discuss the different literary devices that are used in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulker, â€Å"Love Song† by Joseph Brodsky and â€Å"A Doll’s House† by Henrick Isben. In William Faulker’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily, a series of literary devices were used to create the theme of the story, which was about Emily searching for love and acceptance. Faulker used foreshadowing throughout the story. He stated in the first line of the story â€Å"when Emily died, our whole town went to her funeral; he explains that the men go out of respect and the women go out of curiosity† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 241). Symbolism was also used throughout the story and was a main factor in getting the reader to understand the theme of the short story. The title â€Å"A Rose for Emily’ is an example of the symbolism used. The rose represents the absence of love that Emily feels. Also, one of the most effective elements that the author used in his development of the theme is the use of imagery. He portrays Homer Barron and Emily’s father as sort of villains who are preventing love. A reader can also see the symbolism used in â€Å"Love Song† by Joseph Brodsky. Brodsky describes multiple metaphors within the poem declaring that he would do anything for his love. He uses descriptive words, such as â€Å"If you were Chinese, I’d learn the languages, burn a lot of incense, wear funny clothes† and â€Å"If you loved volcanoes, I’d be lava relentlessly erupting from my hidden source† (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 734). These descriptive words were used to express to the reader the way that Brodsky felt about this girl who he was in love with. In â€Å"A Doll’s House† by Henrick Isben the use of animal imagery are used mainly over the other literary devices. The animal imagery was used in the description of the main character in the play, Nora. This allows the reader to form a development of the character Nora. Isben uses words in the conversations between Nora and her Torvald. Torvald states in the beginning of the play â€Å"Is it my little lark tweeting out here? †(Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, p. 838). This tells the reader that Torvald considers Nora a possession, instead of an equal. Torvald also refers to Nora as a squirrel on different occasions, to indicate that Nora is sneaky or negative. The use of the animal imagery helps to build the characters of Nora and Torvald and the relationship of husband and wife. Symbolism was also used in this play. The symbol of the Christmas tree was used in the play in order to help set up the theme that everything may seem perfect, but as the play comes to an end, Nora breaks away from her marriage to go find herself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Food and Culture Essay Example

Food and Culture Essay Example Food and Culture Essay Food and Culture Essay Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: : Food and Culture Question 1 There are several carnivalesque activities this semester such as subverting the common beliefs on food. Question 2 Drinks happen to fall under the category of foodways just as other foods. Foodways means everything we eat or consume why we eat it, and its meaning. Therefore, drinks being part of what we consume fall under the category of foodways. Question 3 The center of the difference between esoteric and exoteric is on the state of consciousness. Esoteric means the inner sense of consciousness that is contemplative, meditative and mystical while exoteric means the outer consciousness that is governed by sensory organs or can be perceived physically. Question 4 An example of a food that was considered inedible and turned to edibleness is the kiwi fruit that was a rarity but now included in school lunch programs. Pizza is another example that started as an ethnic food but now popular in many parts of the world. Question 5 When we say that we consider our bodies inviolable, it means they cannot be violated. Question 6 When we say making tomatoes it means preparing them for making meals such as cutting them or peeling off their skin. Question 7 Nationalism is a form of patriotism with which individuals are associated with a nation. It is the same way that food can be associated to some people within a nation. Question 8 Packaging is just meant to be a form of storing the food in good order while manufacturing at most time is meant to preserve the food for a long time. This does not change or transform the food into another food. Thus, it can be considered traditional. Question 9 The rite of passage takes a basic three-part structure of separation, liminal period, and reassimilation. This means that a person is first separated from past, then enters a transformation period, and then accepted in the next status. Question 10 The difference between unpalatable and inedible is that unpalatable may be eaten but it is not delicious or tasty to the person eating it. On the other hand, inedible means it cannot be eaten at all. Question 11 Why should we study food and culture? What does the folklorist bring to its study? Many people or almost all recognize the fact that we are what we eat. As human beings, we are animals with bodies that require nourishing. Therefore, having knowledge of what one eats is very important since not all food is good for us. Additionally, people will have different preferences where what might be good for one may be bad for another. The study of food offer people a good understanding of what they eat. Additionally, different foods will provide different nutrients while different people will require different nutrition. Therefore, with knowledge of food, one will be in a position to know what food best serves their bodies. Folklore is the study of traditional culture and meaning of all its forms including food. Folklore plays a good role in the study of food since it considers the history and culture of each food. It considers where certain foods originated from, their meaning, and how they were prepared. Folklore further provides the evolution of food, how it has come to evolve. It studies the role of food in cultural background, providing a good understanding of food that we eat.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dangerous Environmentalists

Dangerous Environmentalists Free Online Research Papers My wife drives a Nissan Altima that gets 32 miles a gallon and I motor around in a Maxima that faithfully achieves 28. My spouse and I habitually recycle our paper, glass and metal county trash and keep it all separate from our town-collected â€Å"other garbage.† We conscientiously maintain our property in a neat manner and keep our shrubs and bushes trimmed and our lawn well manicured. Like the plurality of Americans, we respect the environment and try our best to protect it. A fairly funny joke goes something like this: â€Å"Yesterday it was so cold outside that I actually saw a liberal with his hand in his own pocket!† I happen to believe that hardcore â€Å"Environmental Greenies† are very dangerous people. The fanatics invent crazy modern mythological terminology like â€Å"carbon footprint,† â€Å"alternative energy† and â€Å"global warming† and the overzealous charlatans expect to make the rest of civilization (including our easily impressionable and indoctrinated school children) feel guilty if we aren’t voluntarily and gullibly deceived by their creative frivolous terminology. But it’s my sincere contention that the on-a-mission Greenie extremists (along with their suspect unproven theories) constitute a major threat to American civilization because their radical militant movement is counter-productive to our already fragile U.S. economy and their perverted liberty-threatening agenda is a direct detriment to U.S. national security. For the purpose of clarity, let me explain my seemingly bizarre position on this contemporary issue. In truth, the more radical militant Greenies want to restrict your (and my) automotive mobility and limit your (and my) â€Å"fossil fuel freedom† in order to make you and me become more dependent on electric-powered vehicles and state-sponsored mass transportation. Generally speaking, radical Greenies are â€Å"extreme liberals† who don’t like American dependence on either foreign or domestic oil in order to operate our automobiles. The crazed lunatics insist that we use â€Å"alternative energy† to replace the scourge of petroleum products and carbon emissions presently polluting the atmosphere. Let’s get real here! When is the last time you’ve seen an automobile passing you on the highway with a solar panel and a windmill on its roof responsible for propelling it? Not even the most devout environmental Greenie has one of these â€Å"alternative energy† babies! â€Å"Alternative Energy† does not exist on any practical functional level! It’s successful implementation effectively replacing standard auto’ engines and fossil fuels is still decades away! The unique terminology â€Å"Alternative Energy† is really an anachronism, a misguided misnomer designed to goad the rest of us into feeling ashamed of driving around in gas-guzzling SUVs, Altimas and Maximas. The so-called totally electric cars that are out there are abundantly overpriced modes of transportation. One popular version sells for 44 thousand dollars, that is, after the government gives you a rebate of 10,000 bucks. Guess who pays for the ten thousand dollar rebate? You and I do! This Greenie-originated â€Å"rebate canard† represents a deliberate-but-strategic egregious redistribution of wealth designed to force and compel you and me to purchase plug-in cars that have to be re-energized every few hours and that have trouble accelerating over fifty miles an hour. Here’s another misuse of typical â€Å"Greenie† jargon, a disingenuous scoundrel idea called â€Å"Cap and Trade.† Allow me to emphasize that wind and solar power are not examples of â€Å"Alternative Energy† as the shrewd Greenies ardently argue. Wind and solar are what can best be described as â€Å"Supplemental Energy† that will not replace coal-generated electricity anytime in the immediate future. Now here’s the problem with the recently proposed Cap and Trade legislation. The wind and solar industries cannot economically or efficiently compete with coal as a source of competitive electric energy. And so, the existing power companies must pay fines for polluting the atmosphere, the penalty money going to subsidize newly created (but financially unprofitable) wind and solar companies. Again, beneath the Greenie ruse we have the deceptive hidden agenda of redistributing wealth from the practical â€Å"have corporations† to the impractical â€Å"have-not wind and solar companies.† Yes, according to the demands of Cap and Trade, good legitimate capitalistic money will be earmarked to slyly go from profitable electric companies to uncompetitive wind and solar corporations so folks, don’t be surprised when your electric bill goes up an additional twelve hundred dollars a year to finance this extravagant government-oriented money grab that’s custom-designed to assist the Greenies in accomplishing their warped goals! And permit me to assert that the real villains in this progressive travesty of economic justice are the Greenies who are desperately attempting to paint the electric companies as the evil capitalistic culprits that are contributing to increasing the size of our â€Å"carbon footprints.† I don’t know about your singular attitude, but I’m perfectly satisfied with the size of my carbon footprint and I don’t wish to see it diminished in any way. When the boisterous Greenies eventually convince Russia, China and India to stop polluting the environment and the atmosphere (which just happens to travel around the globe to the USA), then that’s the appropriate time for America to join the idealistic quixotic crusade to save the planet. Indeed, our own national security is currently being jeopardized in the form of self-destructive unilateral economic disarmament. By listening to and legislating the Greenies’ deleterious environmental program, industrial jobs are gradually going overseas to the new manufacturing countries of Russia, India and China, giving those three foreign nations (that obviously don’t care too much about the environment) an international competitive advantage over the self-victimized United States, where it is estimated that two oil and coal industry jobs are lost for every â€Å"alternative energy† job that is created through wily socialistic wealth (and energy) redistribution. Yes indeed, the radical Greenies are very possessed quixotic liberals that want to save the planet while naively and inadvertently destroying American civilization through ignorantly crippling the formerly virile U.S. economy. The one-track-mind Greenies truly desire middle class citizens to engage in an irresponsible class warfare game with the rich as John Doe’s targeted combatants. Yes, tax the wealthy more so that we can more readily redistribute and share the common wealth! By raising taxes on the rich to help support saving the environment, here’s what’s really occurring. The middle-class is in the act of spiting itself! The so-called rich control all goods and services produced in America so therefore, the cost of items the middle-class buys will conversely go up. By redistributing the wealth through higher taxes on the rich (with some of the money going to the Greenie causes), we all can expect to pay more for soap, soup and meat at the supermarket and more for clothes, tools and paint at Wal*Mart. A tax on the wealthy is really a hefty burden on you and me, the American consumer! Just objectively examine the economic statistics to further understand my point! In 2010, the U.S. trade deficit has averaged 41 billion dollars a month while Red China’s trade surplus in October was in excess of 27 billion dollars. The ongoing and very dangerous Greenies’ philosophy will make the United States export less and import even more by sending more industrial jobs overseas to countries that don’t have the same reverence for a pristine environment as America does. Is there any wonder that Red China holds 800 billion dollars in U.S. bond debt? Is there any Greenie out there that doesn’t see this astonishing and growing ugly debt scenario as either a potential or direct threat to U.S. national security? Just examine what the maniacal Greenies and their political influence have done to Californias San Joaquin Valley, which was once the most productive agricultural region in the USA. Canal water is being dammed and diverted south of San Francisco in order to protect endangered fish species such as the delta smelt and the silvery minnow. As a result of over 150 billion gallons of water being re-channeled annually, thousands of acres of cantaloupe, grapes, tomatoes, lettuce and onion crops have been sacrificed (along with over 40,000 agricultural jobs) while simultaneously generating much higher chain store fruit and produce prices. Finally, the crazed Greenies insist that the Earth is in jeopardy because of an impending phenomenon known as â€Å"Global Warming.† This is another hypothetical trick designed to scare the rest of us into believing the gross distortions of the asylum-oriented environmental gospel. Ever since the Cambrian geologic age that had occurred on Planet Earth over 700 million years ago, scientists estimate that there have been over 300 Ice Ages. In fact, the last Great Ice Age ended only around ten thousand years ago when the Great Lakes had been scoured-out by the northern retreat of the tremendously thick layer of glacial ice. Americans don’t have to fear the Greenies’ doomsday version of Global Warming nearly as much as they have to be wary of the prospect of Global Cooling. Just imagine this rather frightening catastrophic rendition of events! A mile-high sheet of glacial ice again descends from the Arctic Circle onto the United States and soon every skyscraper in Seattle, Chicago and New York City is violently crushed and devastated during a 21st century three hundred and first cataclysmic ice invasion. Don’t listen to these dangerous Greenie environmentalists that want to control our everyday lives at our own expense, thus endangering our own individual independence and national prosperity! Global Cooling is a much more formidable potential disaster than Global Warming (coastal flooding) will ever be! Research Papers on Dangerous EnvironmentalistsTwilight of the UAWRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalOpen Architechture a white paperDefinition of Export QuotasLifes What IfsThe Effects of Illegal Immigration

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History of Bogota, Colombia

The History of Bogota, Colombia Santa Fe de Bogot is the capital of Colombia. The city was founded by the Muisca people long before the arrival of the Spanish, who established their own city there. An important city during the colonial era, it was the seat of the Viceroy of New Granada. After independence, Bogota was the capital of first the Republic of New Granada and then Colombia. The city has occupied a central place in Colombias long and turbulent history. The Pre-Colombian Era Before the arrival of the Spanish into the region, the Muisca people lived on the plateau where modern-day Bogot is located. The Muisca capital was a prosperous town called Muequet. From there, the King, referred to as the zipa, ruled the Muisca civilization in an uneasy alliance with the zaque, ruler of a nearby city on the site of present-day Tunja. The zaque was nominally subordinate to the zipa, but in fact the two rulers often clashed. At the time of the arrival of the Spanish in 1537 in the form of the Gonzalo Jimà ©nez de Quesada expedition, the zipa of Muequet was named Bogot and the zaque was Tunja: both men would give their names to the cities the Spanish founded on the ruins of their homes. The Conquest of the Muisca Quesada, who had been exploring overland from Santa Marta since 1536, arrived in January of 1537 at the head of 166 conquistadors. The invaders were able to take the zaque Tunja by surprise and easily made off with the treasures of that half of the kingdom of the Muisca. Zipa Bogot proved more troublesome. The Muisca chief fought the Spanish for months, never accepting any of Quesadas offers to surrender. When Bogot was killed in battle by a Spanish crossbow, the conquest of the Muisca was not long in coming. Quesada founded the city of Santa Fà © on the ruins of Muequet on August 6, 1538. Bogot in the Colonial Era For a number of reasons, Bogot quickly became an important city in the region, which the Spanish referred to as New Granada. There was already some infrastructure in the city and plateau, the climate agreed with the Spanish and there were plenty of natives who could be forced to do all the work. On April 7, 1550, the city became a Real Audiencia, or Royal Audience: this means that it became an official outpost of the Spanish Empire and citizens could resolve legal disputes there. In 1553 the city became home to its first Archbishop. In 1717, New Granada - and Bogot in particular - had grown enough that it was named a Viceroyalty, putting it on a par with Peru and Mexico. This was a big deal, as the Viceroy acted with all of the authority of the King himself and could make very important decisions alone without consulting Spain. Independence and the Patria Boba On July 20, 1810, patriots in Bogot declared their independence by taking to the streets and demanding the Viceroy step down. This date is still celebrated as Colombias Independence Day. For the next five years or so, Creole patriots fought mainly among themselves, giving the era its nickname Patria Boba, or Foolish Homeland. Bogot was retaken by the Spanish and a new Viceroy was installed, who initiated a reign of terror, tracking down and executing suspected patriots. Among them was Policarpa Salavarrieta, a young woman who passed information to the patriots. She was captured and executed in Bogot in November 1817. Bogot remained in Spanish hands until 1819, when Simà ³n Bolà ­var and Francisco de Paula Santander liberated the city following the decisive Battle of Boyac. Bolivar and Gran Colombia Following liberation in 1819, creoles set up a government for the Republic of Colombia. It would later be known as Gran Colombia to distinguish it politically from present-day Colombia. The capital moved from Angostura to Cà ºcuta and, in 1821, to Bogot. The nation included present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Ecuador. The nation was unwieldy, however: geographical obstacles made communication extremely difficult and by 1825 the republic began to fall apart. In 1828, Bolà ­var narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in Bogot: Santander himself was implicated. Venezuela and Ecuador separated from Colombia. In 1830, Antonio Josà © de Sucre and Simà ³n Bolà ­var, the only two men who might have saved the republic, both died, essentially putting an end to Gran Colombia. Republic of New Granada Bogot became the capital of the Republic of New Granada, and Santander became its first president. The young republic was plagued by a number of serious problems. Due to the wars of independence and failure of Gran Colombia, the Republic of New Granada began its life deep in debt. Unemployment was high and a major bank crash in 1841 only made things worse. Civil strife was common: in 1833 the government was nearly toppled by a rebellion led by General Josà © Sard. In 1840 an all-out civil war broke out when General Josà © Marà ­a Obando tried to take over the government. Not all was bad: the people of Bogot began printing books and newspapers with materials produced locally, the first  Daguerreotypes  in Bogot were taken and a law unifying the currency used in the nation helped end confusion and uncertainty. The Thousand Days War Colombia was torn apart by a Civil War referred to as the  Thousand Days War  from 1899 to 1902. The war pitted liberals, who felt they had unfairly lost an election, against conservatives. During the war, Bogot was firmly in the hands of the conservative government and although the fighting got close, Bogot itself did not see any strife. Still, the people suffered as the country was in tatters after the war. The Bogotazo and La Violencia On April 9, 1948, presidential candidate Jorge Elià ©cer Gaitn was gunned down outside of his office in Bogot. The people of Bogot, many of whom had seen him as a savior, went berserk, kicking off one of the worst riots in history. The  Bogotazo,  as it is known, lasted into the night, and government buildings, schools,  churches, and businesses were destroyed. Some 3,000 people were killed. Informal markets sprung up outside of town where people bought and sold stolen items. When the dust had finally settled, the city was in ruins. The Bogotazo is also the informal beginning of the period known as La Violencia, a ten-year reign of terror which saw paramilitary organizations sponsored by political parties and ideologies take to the streets at night, murdering and torturing their rivals. Bogot and the Drug Lords During the 1970s and 1980s, Colombia was plagued by the twin evils of drug trafficking and revolutionaries. In Medellà ­n, legendary drug lord  Pablo Escobar  was by far the most powerful man in the country, running a billion-dollar industry. He had rivals in the Cali Cartel, however, and Bogot was often the battleground as these cartels fought the government, the press and one another. In Bogot, journalists, policemen, politicians, judges, and ordinary citizens were murdered on a nearly daily basis. Among the dead in Bogot: Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Minister of Justice  (April  1984), Hernando Baquero Borda, Supreme Court Judge  (August  1986) and Guillermo Cano, journalist  (December  1986). The M-19 Attacks The 19th of April Movement, known as the M-19, was a Colombian socialist revolutionary movement determined to overthrow the Colombian government. They were responsible for two infamous attacks in Bogot in the 1980s. On February 27, 1980, the M-19 stormed the Embassy of the Dominican Republic, where a cocktail party was being held. Among those in attendance was the Ambassador of the United States. They held the  diplomats  hostage for 61 days before the standoff was settled. On November 6, 1985, 35 rebels of the M-19 assaulted the Palace of Justice, taking 300 hostages including judges, lawyers and others who worked there. The government decided to storm the palace: in a bloody shootout, more than 100 people were killed, including 11 of 21 Supreme Court Justices. The M-19 eventually disarmed and became a political party. Bogot Today Today, Bogot is a large, bustling, thriving city. Although it still suffers from many ills such as crime, it is much safer than in recent history: traffic is probably a worse daily problem for many of the citys seven million inhabitants. The city is a great place to visit, as it has a little of everything: shopping, fine dining, adventure sports and more. History buffs will want to check out  the July 20 Independence Museum  and  Colombias National Museum. Sources Bushnell, David.  The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation in Spite of Itself.  University of California Press, 1993.Lynch, John.  Simon Bolivar: A Life. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2006.Santos Molano, Enrique.  Colombia dà ­a a dà ­a: una cronologà ­a de 15,000 aà ±os.  Bogota: Planeta, 2009.Silverberg, Robert.  The Golden Dream: Seekers of El Dorado. Athens: the Ohio University Press, 1985.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Corrections Management. Mermon Correctional Facility Research Paper

Corrections Management. Mermon Correctional Facility - Research Paper Example Personal reflections on the Agency and its Administration Generally, Mermon Correctional Facility is a relatively well managed institution. This is because an incident of a correctional officer getting killed has occurred only once since its establishment. This means that the institution has managed to secure its employees over a long period of time before the occurrence of the unfortunate incident in 2010. This is an eye opener for the management of the correctional facility because it points out that correctional officers are not completely secured. Mermon Correctional Facility also faces a number of challenges that relate to modern correctional facilities. However, it is the responsibility of the institution’s administration to ensure effective management by addressing those challenges using the best approaches. Problems and Issues Mermon Correctional Facility is faced with a number of inherent problems that affect its performance in a number of ways. One major effect of the inherent problems and issues is that the organization is unable to deliver its services in effectively hence falling short of one of its major organizational goals. A correctional facility has a major goal of ensuring that there is effective transformation of offenders from social evils into becoming better persons. Below is a discussion of some of the issues and problems related to Mermon Correctional Facility: 1. Budget concerns This is a serious issue facing the correctional facility because there were concerns from employees of the institution regarding budget reductions. Workers at the correctional facility cite budget reductions as the main cause of the murder incident. This is despite the fact the management of the correctional facility made a response to the claims that budget reductions had nothing to do with the incident. Accordi ng to Phillips and McConnell (2005), budget concerns are among the major component concerns of a changing environment in the management of correctional facilities. Government and private institutions have reduced their spending on correctional facilities in response to tighter economic conditions. The authors also note that correctional facilities are having difficulties hiring adequate staff to manage such facilities. Budget concern is also an issue because it is evident that there was only one member of staff when the murder incident occurred. Marsha Wills was alone at the chapel at the time of the murder incident. She was attacked after the church service and it is believed that the murderer was hiding in the chapel. Mermon Correctional Facility did not have adequate staff to escort convicts during the church session and one of the prisoners was able to hide and make an attack without the knowledge of other employees (Jones & James, 2005). Low staff levels put both the staff and other prisoners at risk. This is because it is very difficult to monitor prisoners as well as manage them in situations of emergency. The aftermath of the murder incident led to other members of staff raising concerns about the low levels of staff. Mermon Correctional Facility is among correctional institutions that are affected by budget cuts hence it is unable to hire adequate staff to manage its numerous tasks. It is for the same reason that the correctional

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case study Lenovo (Critically evaluate Lenovo's Branding Strategy) Essay

Case study Lenovo (Critically evaluate Lenovo's Branding Strategy) - Essay Example Lenovo displayed creative and innovative thinking by adopting a dual-brand approach in the initial stages when it bought out IBM's manufacturing business. It adopted a synergy approach to branding Lenovo in the world markets. Its operations at China were far more cost effective than other companies and its efficient use of resources and prudent handling of its brand equity shows that Lenovo displayed a mix of innovation and efficiency. Lenovo would definitely use the ThinkPad brand to build its own brand. ThinkPad is a premium category model which exudes style, efficiency and excellent quality. It shows that the owner is progressive and very techno savvy and will not settle for anything les than the best product. Lenovo is a Chinese brand and China is very much associated to cheaper and affordable products rather than expensive, quality products. Lenovo would need the ThinkPad brand to erase this conception from its own Lenovo brand. It would affect the ThinkPad brand to an extent but once Lenovo starts proving that the machines are as reliable and efficient as they were previously the trend would definitely change. Lenovo would not be looking at using the IBM logo in the long run, reports from China already show that Lenovo is asking customers their preference on affixing the IBM logo on the ThinkPads i.e.

Swimming Pool Chemistry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Swimming Pool Chemistry - Term Paper Example To be more specific, the regular use to which swimming pools are put requires that they be cleaned on a regular basis. Exposed as they are, and frequented by a lot of people, swimming pools are places that are especially prone to infection if neglected. This paper, then, is intended as an explanation of the various measures taken by operators of swimming pools as to how to keep their waters safe, as well as how the public can do their part. The Importance of Swimming Pool Sanitation As detailed in a report by the World Health Organization (2006), swimming pools are vulnerable to pollutants such as bird droppings or even the rain. And while indoor pools are much safer, even they need to be cleaned at least once in a while just to be absolutely sure. Either way, as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), pathological contaminants often abound in swimming pools, which can cause a myriad of conditions such as diarrhea. A pool that is cleaned regularly is in effect guaranteed to be safe for the public to enjoy – guaranteed safe for them to swim in. ...In the words of the Division for Environmental Health (2011), the only way to maintain safe and consistent swimming pool operation is through proper water chemistry. The exact process involved is often rather varied, not only in the chemicals that may be used but also in the methods employed. For one thing, disinfectants may be used to rid the water of harmful, objectionable or otherwise unwanted microorganisms. Alkalinity and pH adjusters may also be used to ensure that the pool’s pH and acidity levels remain stable, while algaecide and filter aids respectively kill any algae and prevent foreign material from spreading in the water. Swim King’s (2011) official website also tells us that the balance between these chemicals needs to be just right so as to keep the water free of any unwanted ‘lurkers’, yet still be safe for those of us who feel like taking a swim. For instance, free chlorine residual refers to the amount of chlorine which has yet to react with any other substance in the water besides the water itself, and should ideally be anywhere between 1-3 ppm. Secondly, combined chlorine refers to chlorine that fits the opposite description – that is to say, it has already reacted with a foreign substance. This kind of chlorine is no longer a help to the disinfection process, and indeed, only acts as an irritant. And finally, total chlorine residual is the sum of these two variants of chlorine. Besides chlorine, bromine can also be used to fulfill the function of disinfection. In fact, whereas the former is more prevalent in swimming pools (Sweazy, 2001), it is the latter that is the preferred substance among owners of spas and hot tubs (Wilson, 2002).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Patient satisfaction of Health Care service quality in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal - 1

Patient satisfaction of Health Care service quality in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example The study that uses the recipients of the healthcare services as its respondents will also exhibit the cultural diversity in the country to ensure the sample is a representative of the general Saudi Arabian population. Questionnaires will be the key instrument for data collection and the obtained data will eventually be analyzed for the purposes and reflected upon in regard to subject under study. Conclusions and inferences will be made based on the accrued information for the purpose of recommending the suitable healthcare approaches for improving the service quality. Patient satisfaction refers to the feelings of an individual in form of pleasure or disappointment as a result of comparing the perceived performance outcome of healthcare services in relation to the expectations of the individual. In this case, therefore, a performance that is way below the expectations of the patient results in dissatisfaction, whereas the service whose perceived quality is within the patient’s expectations results in satisfaction and delight (Nguyen Thi, Briancon, Empereur and Guillemin, 2002). In the recent days, the healthcare service providers have had to awaken to the challenges, quality, competition, and the marketing realities posed by the consumers of their services. In line with these changes, there has been the emergence of an equally important and related issue, which is the relationship between the care provider and the patient concerning the general evaluation of the quality of health care service (Andaleeb, 2001). There is a marked level of fr ustration among the patients, especially with the recent commercialization of the health care services, weakened relationship between the client and care provider, and the proliferation and bureaucratization of the health care system (Pakdil& Harwood, 2005). In order to realize patient satisfaction in the

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

English - Essay Example In any war, the soldiers get paranoid; they are dispossessed of the sense of justice and morality, once they are part of the war. The solider will never be the same individual again.War is a terrible evil exercise for humanity. The victor is also a loser! Political leaders plan the war, but the soldiers fight it at the ground level. When one soldier is killed, the immediate family members suffer and the well-wishers go through an agonizing experience. The soldiers have no personal enmity and yet they are compelled to plan to eliminate each other. The only mantra for a soldier is, kill or get killed! Each day is a tough survival option for the soldier and no one at home is able to understand their predicaments. Tim illustrates a story of a soldier who brings his girlfriend to Vietnam. When she arrives, she is fresh and exuberant about the country that she is going to visit. But soon, the jungle life fascinates her; she loses attachment to her old city life. She disappears into the jungle. Tim explains this incident thus: "Tone? I didnt know it was all that complicated. The girl joined the zoo. One more animal--end of story." (O’Brien, p.107)Tim recalls a moment, how he killed a soldier who was walking down a trial. Tim threw a hand grenade at him and his face exploded†¦. He also narrates about the image of a young girl dancing outside her destroyed village, as American soldiers take the dead family away. ---One cries when one is sad; one doesn’t, when mad! Many such stories circulate. But, "Its safe to say that in a true war story nothing is ever absolutely tr ue." (O’Brien, p. 82) In Louise Erdrichs short story, "The Red Convertible," she communicates the emotional disturbances, war creates for a soldier and his relationships through symbolism of car between two brothers, Henry and Lyman. Their great attachment to the joint property, the symbol of their mutual affection during the pre-war days has vanished. Henry realizes that his

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Patient satisfaction of Health Care service quality in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal - 1

Patient satisfaction of Health Care service quality in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example The study that uses the recipients of the healthcare services as its respondents will also exhibit the cultural diversity in the country to ensure the sample is a representative of the general Saudi Arabian population. Questionnaires will be the key instrument for data collection and the obtained data will eventually be analyzed for the purposes and reflected upon in regard to subject under study. Conclusions and inferences will be made based on the accrued information for the purpose of recommending the suitable healthcare approaches for improving the service quality. Patient satisfaction refers to the feelings of an individual in form of pleasure or disappointment as a result of comparing the perceived performance outcome of healthcare services in relation to the expectations of the individual. In this case, therefore, a performance that is way below the expectations of the patient results in dissatisfaction, whereas the service whose perceived quality is within the patient’s expectations results in satisfaction and delight (Nguyen Thi, Briancon, Empereur and Guillemin, 2002). In the recent days, the healthcare service providers have had to awaken to the challenges, quality, competition, and the marketing realities posed by the consumers of their services. In line with these changes, there has been the emergence of an equally important and related issue, which is the relationship between the care provider and the patient concerning the general evaluation of the quality of health care service (Andaleeb, 2001). There is a marked level of fr ustration among the patients, especially with the recent commercialization of the health care services, weakened relationship between the client and care provider, and the proliferation and bureaucratization of the health care system (Pakdil& Harwood, 2005). In order to realize patient satisfaction in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Contaminants in Recycled Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contaminants in Recycled Paper - Essay Example Grades A and B represent the virtually 100 percent of paper mill waste that is recycled a back into the milling process. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies mill broke (Grade A) as the scraps that are recovered during the paper-making process. (Conservatree 2007, Environmental Definitions) The mills can recycle this at almost zero cost. It is also in the mills' best interest to recycle and re-pulp the unprinted waste (Grade B), as it costs about half of what it costs to recycle post-consumer waste. These two highest grades of recycled paper are both cost-effective and free of contaminants, as it is waste created only by the product production. (Conservatree 2007, Making Paper) Post-consumer waste is where we find both a greater need for recycling and a high risk of contaminants. Depending on their use, these consumer-used products come back to the recycling plants in various forms, such as envelopes, office paper, newspaper, and magazines, and these forms are often full of contaminants. From address labels and no-lick stamps on envelopes, to colored laser printer paper, to self-stick notes, today's recycled raw materials need a lot of work to go through the system and get back into re-usable paper. (Glass 2000, p. 1) And with the demand for recycled raw materials at an all-time high with the environmental concerns of our modern world, we cannot ask the consumers to remove these hindrances before recycling. The industry must make the consumer want to recycle, and consumers will recycle more the easier it is for them to do so. This puts the removal of contaminants squarely on the paper recycling plants. The contaminants that cause the most trouble for the plants are the ones that come from adhesive-based materials. These are referred to as "stickies," as they tend to make their way through the filtering process and form into particles that can gum up machines and lower the quality of the pulp. (Glass 2000, p. 1) This is a big problem with the Grade C paper, of which a large amount comes from offices. Having workers sort through this high volume of paper is not cost-effective, so having equipment that is technologically advanced enough to weed out these contaminants is vital. Fortunately, there is technology available to help alleviate this problem. Older methods of recycling paper into pulp involved using machines that pulverize the raw material with aggressive motion. Often the stickies would disintegrate quickly and make their way through filtering attempts. Today, high consistency batch pulpers and continuous drum pulpers are available, which provide a gentler method of pulping the recycled raw materials. This, in turn, keeps the contaminants from becoming too small and getting lost in

Human resource management Essay Example for Free

Human resource management Essay Contemporary organizations are more focused on improving its organizational culture and work arrangement structure to gain competitive advantage in rapidly changing business markets. Change management is a biggest concern for contemporary firms to effectively manage its operations. Basis of success classified on human resource capital involvement in business decision making provide an opportunity to organization to move away from traditional practices of human resource towards employee equity participation in setting and achieving organization goals. Human resource management has undergone many changes in last few decades to improve the functionality of business processes; stabilizing the corporate culture and identifying the opportunity factors which enables organization to grow based on its human resource competency and skills. Traditionally, human resource was concern with only recruiting the employees as per the job demands and requirement. This restricted the HRM only to selective portion of organization processes management. Conversely, in last few decades when information technology has unfold great revolution pertaining to business industries HRM role has been reshaped concerning towards management of organizational culture and goals by involvement of employees. It now is not limited to recruitment and selection of employees but also place emphasis on training and development, managing employee communication, addressing ways to stabilize the organization culture, identifying the factors for growth of organization in changing market conditions, and is also providing solutions to human resource capital management and forming a policy structure to regulate and encourage employee participation in consideration with organization commitment and employee performance related factors management. Strategic operations of HR has enabled the organizations to set higher level of objectives and expand its operations successfully in international markets; devising new structures related to management hierarchy and work arrangement, such as management by objective structure formation as per contemporary need of flexible and rapidly changing business environment. HR roles in technologically integrated business markets has been shifted towards higher concentration work activities for employee management and effective organizational culture establishment; this enabled the organization to focus on employee involvement in business decision and setting of corporate culture consider employees as capital asset to organization. In general terms, HRM is expanding its capacity for organization development by effective utilization of employees’ skills. Persistent to objective of organization strengthening HR roles now require active concentration by management on employee empowerment issues that address decision making, hierarchy, information communication, employee appraisal for compensation and rewards, and employee involvement in goal setting based on equity based approach that also involve workplace diversity and managing cross-cultural business operations. HR practices now address many managing issues of organization for employee and organizational culture management. In order to reduce the cost, many private specialized institutions appeared in the industry that provided an opportunity to organizations for outsourcing HR administration activities, decreasing the overall cost. There are many HR practices which are being outsourced such as recruitment and selection, employee training and development, HR payroll, and HR legal work. Since organizations are diverting its human capital assets management to outsourcing organization therefore, duplication of activities can be avoided. HR outsourcing services helps in considerable cutting in cost while reduction in time for activities management. Integration of technology in HR practices provided extreme time saving measures as e-HR software can now perform many HR management activities such as employee information and data record management, provide payroll solution, helps conduct appraisal on online user interface, proper communication between inter-departments of an organization due to secured network. This helps organizations to move towards shared service centers for its corporate services; many firms have been utilizing shared service centre as a channel to manage its call centre operations by giving access to selective portion in e-HR related to purpose of service being outsourced. Establishment of shared service center is a demanding challenge for organizations as it needs to focus on normalizing the HR practices by addressing HR processes routine in nature. Shared service centre are more customer focused and receptive to contemporary business demand thus enabling firms to lower their operational cost for routine HR activities by involving shared service centre in developing and managing the controlled HR practices. This offers conglomerate advantages to firms due to increased performance and successful accomplishment of organizational goals even at international level operations. Strategically assessing the contemporary HR expose the potential challenges handling ability enabling the organization to diverge its attention on core processes related to human skills deployment at places demanding higher performance. Objective based strategic HR role through amendment in policy structure is giving autonomy to employee in work setting and goal accomplishment strategy formulation; protecting the shared values of organization culture and enabling the higher involvement of employees in business decision. Focus on rewards and compensation packages as factors to enhance employee motivation and organization commitment provides opportunity to attain higher level of employee performance and get positive results irrespective of organizational environment challenges. Globalization has created a dramatic change in the organizational structure and operational flow of business information. Human resource now focus on strategic components of employee performance in various dimension that offer unique advantages to firms in competitive market situations and enable organizations to manage its operations while maintaining discipline in organizational culture. International expansion of business requires addressing various components that form the basis of success in competitive markets for an organization through effectively utilizing human resource skills.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Anti-cataract Activity of Abies Pindrow Luffa Cylindrica

Anti-cataract Activity of Abies Pindrow Luffa Cylindrica â€Å"Evaluation of in-vitro anti-cataract activity of Abies pindrow Luffa cylindrica†: A Comparative study Suchita Dubey, Sudipta Saha, Shubhini A Saraf* Abstract- Context- Cataract is the opacification of lenses resulting in blurring of vision.Oxidative stress is the major cause of many diseases including cataract. Objective- The study was designed to evaluate and compare the in-vitro anti-cataract activity of aqueous extracts of Abiespindrowleaves (APE) and Luffacylindrica fruits (LCE) against hydrogen peroxide induced cataractogenesis, using isolated goat lenses. Materials and Methods-Standardized extracts of APE and LCE were compared for their anti-cataract activity against marketed eye drops. Hydrogen peroxide (0.05M) was used to induce cataract in goat eye lenses. Photographic evaluation confirmed the clarity of lenses incubated in APE and LCE respectively. Result-.MeanGSH Value in normal lenses was found to be 2.9765 ±0.17 µg/mg of fresh weight of the lens.In the presence of APE and LCE respectively, a significant restoration of the levels of GSH as compared to the toxic control was observed. An increase in MDA level was found in the control opposed to the normal lenses (1.57 ±0.04ÃŽ ¼mol/g of fresh weight of lens; P Discussion -SOD, GSH, TPC and copper-induced lipoprotein diene formation was found to increase, whereas MDA levels significantly decreased, as the concentration of APE and LCE increased. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that monotherapy of APE and LCE respectively, has the potential to prevent cataract because of the strong antioxidant potential of each. Keywords- Antioxidant, Cataract, Hydrogen Peroxide, Abies pindrow, Luffa cylindrica Introduction- Oxidative stress has been the major cause of many diseases including cataract. The free radicals that are produced as the result of daily stress borne by the human body are scavenged by a range of antioxidant enzymes and small molecule antioxidants. Cataract is the opacification of lenses resulting in the blurring of vision. Since ancient times, India’s conventional medicinal knowledge has been extraordinarily useful in treating rarest of the rare diseases. The term cataract describes lenticular opacities that may be congenital or acquired. Systemic diseases (such as galactosemia, diabetes mellitus, Wilson disease atopic dermatitis), drugs (especially corticosteroids), radiation, trauma, and many intraocular disorders are associated with cataract. Traditional medicines have proved to be effective to an extent in curing cataract. Plants such as Embellica Officinalis (Amla) and those which are rich in gallic acid, digallic acid, ellagic acid, and tannins respectively serve as g ood anticataract options.[1] The development of the disease depends on many factors.The lens Na+- K+-ATPase activity plays an important role in maintaining lens transparency, and its impairment causes accumulation of Na+ and loss of K+ with hydration and swelling of the lens fibres leading to cataractogenesis[2] . In conjunction, aldose reductase is a lens enzyme probably involved in the development of cataract [3]. It acts on the sugars like glucose, galactose, and xylose and converts them into their respective alcohols. These alcohols, also known as polyols: accumulate within the lens thereby producing osmotic effects. Since polyols are not capable of either diffusing out easily nor are metabolizes rapidly, they may cause hyper tonicity responsible for the formation of cataract [4]. Oxidative mechanism plays an important role in biological phenomena including cataract formation. The formation of superoxide radicals in the aqueous humor and in lens and its derivatization to other potent oxidants may be responsible for initiating various toxic biochemical reactions leading to the formation of cataract. Catlin is the marketed drug with considerable anticataract activity hence was taken as standard and various parameters measured, including total proteins and malondialdehyde (MDA) in vitro on goat lenses. Materials and Methods- Plants- Standardized extracts of â€Å"Abies pindrow leaf† and â€Å"Luffa cylindrica fruit† were obtained from Navchetna Kendra, New Delhi (A registered manufacturer, exporter and supplier of herbal products in India) along with the certificate of analysis of both the extracts confirming that extract complies with all the morphological specification of colour, odour, taste along with LOD, Ash value and microbial load (Total Plate Count, yeast and mould and E.coli). Drug- Catlin eye drop available in the market were purchased from medical store in Lucknow, UP. Eye Balls-Goat eye balls were used in the present study. They were obtained from the slaughterhouse and immediately transferred to laboratory at 0-4 degree Celsius in physiological salt solution containing 1% solution of antibiotic to prevent microbial contamination. Preparation of Lens Culture- The lenses were removed by extracapsular extraction and incubated in artificial aqueous humor (NaCl 140 mM, KCl 5 mM, MgCl2 2 mM, NaHCO3 0.5 mM, NaH (PO4)2 0.5 mM, CaCl2 0.4 mM) at room temperature and pH 7.8 for 72 h. Penicillin 32 mg% and streptomycin 250 mg% were added to the culture media to prevent bacterial contamination [6]. H2O2 (0.05M) was used to induce cataract. Preparation of Lens Homogenate-After incubation, lenses were homogenized in 10 volumes of 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 hour and the supernatant was used for estimation of biochemical parameters. Drug Concentration and Groups- The standard drug Catlin was taken in the concentration of 1% v/v and the Goat’s eye lenses were incubated with Abies pindrow extract (APE) (5mg/ml, 10mg/ml, 15mg/ml 20mg/ml) andLuffa cylindrica extract (LCE) (5mg/ml, 10mg/ml, 15mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 25mg/ml 30mg/ml) concentrations as mono therapy. A total of 65 lenses were divided into 13 groups of n=5. Group 1- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + lens Group 2- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + H2O2(0.05 M) 0.5ml+ lens Group 3- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + Catlin (KI-3.3%, NaCl-0.83%, CaCl2-1%w/v) 1ml Group 4- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (5%) Group 5-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (10%) Group 6-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (15%) Group 7-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (20%) Group 8-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (5%) Group 9-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (10%) Group 10-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (15%) Group 11-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (20%) Group 12-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (25%) Group 13-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (30%) Homogenate preparation- After incubation, lenses were homogenized in 10 volumes of 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 hour and the supernatant was used for estimation of biochemical parameters. Biochemical estimation- SOD and GSH levels were measured using Ellman’s method[6]. Protein estimation was done by Lowry’s method [7]. The degree of oxidative stress was assessed by measuring the MDA levels by using TCA-TBA-HCl reagent. [8] (Table-2,3). The mean GSH Value in normal lenses was found to be 2.9765 ±0.17  µg/mg of fresh weight of the lens (Fig-5) . A significant decrease was observed in presence of in GSH value in presence of hydrogen peroxide in control. In the presence of APE and LCE, there was a significant restoration of the levels of GSH as compared to the toxic control. A significant increase in MDA level was found in the control opposed to the normal lenses (1.57 ±0.04ÃŽ ¼mol/g of fresh weight of lens; P APE and LCE significantly protected the test group lenses from lipid peroxidation; Hydrogen peroxide treated lenses showed significantly low concentrations of proteins (total and water soluble proteins) in the lens homogenate (P SOD levels as compared to the toxic control were found to be significantly more in normal lens group (1.76 ±0.10unit/mg of protein) which was far less than that of the toxic group (0.23 ±0.01unit/mg of protein). APE and LCE were found to increase the level of SOD in presence of hydrogen peroxide as well (Fig-4). Result- Photographic evaluation confirmed the clearance of vision when the lenses were incubated in APE and LCE (Figure 6). Photographic Evaluation: Scale of opacity- Absence of opacitySlightly opaquePresence of diffuse opacityPresence of extensive thick opacityResults of biochemical parameters are reported as Mean ±SD. (Table-2,3). Comparisons were made on the basis of one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test was performed between test samples and data was considered to be statistically significant when p Discussion-Cataract is mostly brought about by age. It is common to older people. Inflammatory reactions to the lens material may develop as a result of the exposure of intact lens cortex by rupture of the lens capsule. In cataractogenesis, the parameters commonly considered are malondialdehyde (MDA) and proteins (total proteins and water soluble proteins). Oxidative stress is the main marker of cataract and is responsible for its pathogenesis.The study demonstrated that AP and LC are effective against H2O2 induced cataractogenesis in goat eye lens, used as in-vitro model. Significant prevention of cataract was observed during the study. SOD, GSH, TPC and copper induced lipoprotein diene formation was found to increase proportionally with the concentration whereas MDA levels significantly decreased as the concentration increased and reached its saturation level at the concentration 20% and 30% respectively for AP and LC (Table 2, 3). The photographic evaluation based on the opacity scale (Table-1) showed that highest concentrations of both the plants i.e. AP (20%) LC (30%) maintained the vision for 39.5 42 hours respectively. It was also observed that the lens incubated in Hydrogen peroxide swelled imbibed more solution which can be a possible outcome of inflammation while the lenses incubated in plant groups were less swollen which further potentiates the anti-inflammatory activities of both the plants. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that monotherapy of AP and LC had potential to prevent cataract due to their strong antioxidant potential. However, AP in lower concentration was more effective in treating cataract than LC according to results of the photographic evaluation. There is no literature available for anticataract activity of AP and LC. This is the first study which reports that the monotherapy of both the plants can afford significant prevention of cataract. Further studies can be performed with different routes and doses to evaluate the anti-cataract effect of these two drugs as future scope of the work. Conclusion- The herbal extract of both the plants were found to significantly reduce the free radical generation in isolated goat lenses. The extracts can be further developed into a polyherbal formulation or characterisation and isolation of phenolics in the extract can prove to be a good herbal remedy for treatment and prevention of cataract because of potent antioxidant action of plant. Acknowledgement- Suchita Dubey is thankful to University Grant Commission for providing research grant during M.Pharm Project. References- Gupta SK, Kalaiselvan V, Srivastava S, Agrawal SS, Saxena R (2010): Evaluation of anticataract potential of Triphala in selenite-induced cataract: In vitro and in vivo studies. J Ayurveda Integr Med 1: 6 Unakar NJ, Tsui JY. (1983) Inhibition of galactose induced alteration in ocular lens with sorbinil. Exp Eye Res 36: 685-694. Guzmà ¡n à , Guerrero O R (2005) â€Å"Inhibition of aldose reductase by herbs extracts and natural substances and their role in prevention of cataracts† Rev cubana plant med 10 :3-4 Kinoshita JH, Merola LU, Dikmak E. (1962) The accumulation of dulcitol and water in rabbit lens incubated with galactose. Biochem BiophysActa; 62:176-178. Harding JJ, Rixon KC. Carbamylation of lens proteins: (1980) A possible factor in cataractogenesis in some tropical countries. Exp eye res; 31:567-571. Ellman GL. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Constitutional Convention: Day by Day Occurrences :: Government Essays

Constitutional Convention: Day by Day Occurrences May 29, 1787 After these few short days of the convention here in Philadelphia, I realized that it would be important to keep personal records of this convention to assist in future discussion. This will also help me with remembering details of the events. Today the "Virginia Plan" was presented by that state's delegates. They proposed a series of many resolutions that seemed well thought out to me. The plan was written by James Madison but was given to us by Edmund Randolph who was a very effective speaker and clear orator. I enjoyed listening to the resolutions and the fresh new ideas I heard in the Virginia Plan. First, the Virginia Plan recommended a bicameral legislature with representation to be determined by the size of the population in each area. The lower body of this legislature would be elected by voters while the upper house would be elected by the members of the lower house. Every night the delegates go down to the taverns at Head House Square and discuss what they have heard. I will debate with them the notions which we have been privy to. One of my personal goals of this convention is to talk freely with Ben Franklin about his ideas about government. Mr. Franklin has traveled widely and has seen many nations. He is old and wise and I want to talk to him before he passes away. Right now he is at the age of 81, I think. May 31 Recently the convention has become vexatious. The summers in this towne are very humid. We are forced to keep the window open everywhere. Flies are about at all times and it is hard to concentrate. Also, some of the discussions at this convention are sluggish and tiresome. One good thing about the weather is that it has given me time to reflect on the Virginia Plan proposed a few day ago. The one point I disagree with regarding the Virginia Plan is that it gives more power to all the states with higher population, thus giving the smaller states no voice. June 3 It is a shame that Tom Jefferson, Mr. Madison's Virginia neighbor, is Constitutional Convention: Day by Day Occurrences :: Government Essays Constitutional Convention: Day by Day Occurrences May 29, 1787 After these few short days of the convention here in Philadelphia, I realized that it would be important to keep personal records of this convention to assist in future discussion. This will also help me with remembering details of the events. Today the "Virginia Plan" was presented by that state's delegates. They proposed a series of many resolutions that seemed well thought out to me. The plan was written by James Madison but was given to us by Edmund Randolph who was a very effective speaker and clear orator. I enjoyed listening to the resolutions and the fresh new ideas I heard in the Virginia Plan. First, the Virginia Plan recommended a bicameral legislature with representation to be determined by the size of the population in each area. The lower body of this legislature would be elected by voters while the upper house would be elected by the members of the lower house. Every night the delegates go down to the taverns at Head House Square and discuss what they have heard. I will debate with them the notions which we have been privy to. One of my personal goals of this convention is to talk freely with Ben Franklin about his ideas about government. Mr. Franklin has traveled widely and has seen many nations. He is old and wise and I want to talk to him before he passes away. Right now he is at the age of 81, I think. May 31 Recently the convention has become vexatious. The summers in this towne are very humid. We are forced to keep the window open everywhere. Flies are about at all times and it is hard to concentrate. Also, some of the discussions at this convention are sluggish and tiresome. One good thing about the weather is that it has given me time to reflect on the Virginia Plan proposed a few day ago. The one point I disagree with regarding the Virginia Plan is that it gives more power to all the states with higher population, thus giving the smaller states no voice. June 3 It is a shame that Tom Jefferson, Mr. Madison's Virginia neighbor, is

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Gamma Knife Improves Treatment of Brain Disorders Essay -- Explora

The Gamma Knife Improves Treatment of Brain Disorders Advanced treatment for brain tumors and brain disorders, the Gamma Knife is a tool being utilized to treat thousands of functional brain disorders every year without the danger involved in invasive procedures. Not many people can say they were up and about the same day after treatment of a brain tumor. This is now possible with the Gamma Knife, a technology utilizing gamma rays to treat brain disorders successfully and with no incision. These requirements are essential when trying to treat the disorders in a sensitive organ as the brain, where millimeters may mean the difference between life or death or brain damage. Developed in 1968 by Swedish neurosurgeon Lars Leksell, the Gamma Knife was not used until many years later when advanced diagnostic methods were developed. With the advent of technology such as the MRI and CT scan, the Gamma Knife's full capabilities are finally being realized. Conditions often treated with the technology are arteriovenus malformations, acoustic neuromas, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, and brain metastases. The risk of surgical complications is non-existent since the procedure is performed without an incision. It is also almost painless; patients usually opt for just local anesthesia and a mild sedative. The patient's head does not even need to be shaved for the procedure. During invasive procedures, surgeons are forced to actually penetrate the brain and work with MRI and CAT scan pictures to locate tumors and remove them. This is often an inaccurate procedure that may leave portions of the tumor still in the brain and require another operation. Another downside to invasive procedure is that tumo... ...Knife is also cost-effective. With no need for long hospital stays or rehabilitation, the procedure is obviously highly recommended by medical-insurance providers. The Gamma Knife is revolutionizing the treatment of brain disorders. Before, when a cancer spread to the brain, it was considered a terminal illness. Now, a patient is able to walk in and be treated in just a half hour. There have not even been any reported deaths or complications resulting from the procedure. It is being bought for use in many hospitals around the world and may be, in the not too distant future, as common as any other surgical procedure performed today. Bibliography "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Encarta. Microsoft Corporation, 1997.